The dynamics in living, the turbulence as well as the financial crisis have imposed the need in companies for leaders with strong integrity, leaders who invest in personal growth and development and invest as much as possible in building the sustainable organizations. Leaders who with their characteristics, values and capabilities motivate employees in creating real value for customers. These are the authentic leaders.

What does authenticity mean? Authenticity means knowing ourselves, the word authentic is etymologically related to the word “authento” and means possession full power. Being authentic means being true to yourself oneself, to act with integrity, to respect, not to follow the mass, but to inspire the mass and move towards the fulfillment of the set goals. Authentic leadership is a way in which leaders are more than aware of the way they think and behave, about their worth, about their strengths and weaknesses, but also aware of the same values and characteristics of employees and followers. Authentic leaders they strive as much as possible to inspire employees in the realization of the objectives of the companies.

Authentic leaders love to help and empower others, and by doing so they are led by the potential of their mind, heart and passion. It is a model of leadership behavior that encourages positive and psychological capacity, creates a positive ethical climate, encourages positive personal development. That are leaders who both publicly and behind closed doors have the same attitude and opinion.

According to academics (Luthans and Avolio, 2003) basic components of authentic leaders are:

Self-awareness (self-knowledge) – implies that the leader is aware of his own personal and professional attributes, including personal feelings, professional values and motives. Only control – the ability of the leader to be coordinated in his actions and speech, without bias but with objectivity in setting the organizational goals and priorities. Balanced processing of information – implies objectivity in the process of making decisions by the leader where he takes them in considering all relevant data and potential solutions. Rational transparency – when leaders are rationally transparent they contribute to employees easily understanding their motives, goals and plans and that give employees a sense of security and trust workplace and makes them feel part of the team.

Building into an authentic leader is achievable through personal growth and development and this in itself then contributes to professional growth and development. There is more techniques that enable personal improvement.

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune”. – Jim Rohn